
Go on a walking tour in the mountains

The nearnes to the mountain is made Jennys stugor to a good alternative for people making tours walking in the mountain.

* Daily tour to the top on Sonfjället, Lillfjället, Anåfjället.
* Härjedalens Highet mountain Helags
* Flatruet
* Other nice mountain and tops

Best time for hiking is the end of september. Then you van feel the fresh air och se all the beautiful colors on the trees

Fire do drink Coffe

Nice destination in neighborhood

*  Mittåfallet, Rändåfallen and Fettjåfallet.
*  Sonfjällets nationalpark, to se how the nature ”manage it selv”.
*  Hembygdsgården in Hede
*  Fornminnesparken in Funäsdalen.
*  Visit a still active fäbodvall.
*  Gästgivaregårdens own fäbodvall
*  A lots of fäbodvallar in neighborhood.



Golfcourse is in Hede, Funäsdalen/Ljusnedal and Klövsjö.



In the river Ljusnan direcly to Jennys stugor or the nice bathplace in Långå.
Beside the bathplace is also tenniscourse.



Horsebackrining tours and canoning tours can arrange


For kids

If the children wants to do something else instead for fishing can they play around on the big open area with diffrent games
For the smalest children is also a smal playhouse


Wild animals

Its usal to se all diffrent kinds of wild animals as moose, hare, bear, dear, hare, lyns, reindear, birds living in water and in forrest, eagle, bevear, utter and fiskljuse.


Pick mushrooms

In the neighborhood of Jennys stugor is it in august a lot of fungus to pick. All sort of mushroomsom björksopp, granriska, sandsopp, rynkad toppskivling, kantareller, goliatmusseron, ängsvaxing, fårticka, brödticka, Karl Johan för att nämna några.


Pick berries

Te neighborhod areas is good for picking cloudberry, lingon berry och blueberry